Sonya Caruso, Masters Certified Health Coach (MCHC) through the Dr. Sears Health and Wellness Institute

Welcome and congratulations for taking the first important step toward a better YOU!

In 2012, I was faced with my own health challenges and as a result, I started a journey of study and self-discovery that changed my life. Despite my already good habits, I was shocked to find out how many damaging ingredients and chemicals my family and I were eating and using without really evaluating what we were consuming and buying. We went through a process of eliminating and replacing these items and now we make health-wise, conscientious choices. As a certified master health coach, I will support you through your process and get you on the path of living healthier, stronger and longer.

Contact me to schedule your complimentary introductory session

My Story
My wake up call began in 2012, as I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and I was hypothyroid. I had also been working through debilitating allergies. Doctors told me that I would be taking hormones for the rest of my life to stay in balance. That motivated me to study everything I could, to find the root causes behind my issues. Surprisingly, I discovered that what I was consuming and using regularly created inflammation and also had many hidden toxins. From wheat to fluoride, from sugar to MSG, I was unknowingly ingesting inflammatory food and using harmful substances daily. This was simply unacceptable. I had to change and make better choices! Fast forward 10 years, I am free from Hashimotos, hypothyroid and allergies, and I feel like a new me: healthy, energetic, balanced! Through my journey, I also shared my knowledge and helped my family and friends. My husband was able to solve a chronic intestine inflammation that followed him for the past 32 years! I studied countless books and worked with experts in the fields of nutrition, exercise, and stress management. The more I learned, the more I was astonished by how unhealthy the average person lives, unknowingly! Helping others uncover these details and then helping them remove the barriers in order to live healthier is my mission. I am excited to support people who want to restore their health, refuel their body and reclaim their energy.

What Is A Health Coach?

What is a Health Coach? A Health Coach is a health professional who is trained to provide information about, and support for: food, diet and lifestyle changes. A health coach helps individuals set and reach their health goals using diet and exercise tools, and behavioral psychology principles.

Health coaching utilizes the mutually invested relationship of coach-client to produce accountability and progress toward goals. The coach asks the client what changes they are willing to make to advance their health. Rather than the coach telling the client what changes to make and how to make those changes, the client stays in the directive role. The coach supplies relevant information and education to the client, empowering the client to get vision and create a plan toward better health.

Health coaches provide guidance and management in the major components of health, including diet, physical activity and wellness. They help people identify their ideal health goals, define a customized plan and guide them in putting the plan into action. This basically involves determining what areas of their clients’ lifestyle need to be changed for the better and making sure those changes are implemented.

This form of coaching is a collective and highly individualized service that concentrates on enhancing wellness and health. It is used to help develop a person’s ability to attain short-term and extended health objectives. Whether addressing a whole laundry list of problem areas or only a couple of issues, the main emphasis is always on improving the client’s quality of life.

Benefits Of Working With Me!

1. I help explore the “why” and identify your barriers so we can work together to formulate a plan for how to work around them.

2. I am your accountability partner and can help you break down big goals into small steps that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely (SMART)!

3. I take an individualized approach based on your needs and goals – no wellness plan is exactly the same!

4. I look at the big picture. Many things contribute to an individual’s health and happiness. In addition to nutrition and lifestyle measures, we will consider together how your work and home routines, personal relationships, employment satisfaction, as well as emotional and spiritual health can shape your sense of well-being.

5. I will help you navigate your unhealthy nutrition habits. Are you confused about what to eat? Is coffee good for you or not? What about dairy? There is no one-answer-fits-all to these questions, but I can help you navigate what is right for you.

6. I will help you learn how to help yourself. After navigating your way to one of your goals, you’ll learn which methods work best for you so they can be applied toward other efforts. Working with me will help build your sense of self-efficacy.